Sunday, December 5, 2010

No Money, Honey

     So usually, people approach this subject with difficulty. They find these words hard to express, and generally just embarrassing. But here it goes... I'm broke!

     B. R. O. K. E.

     All of my money has gone to either Christmas funds or classes. Sure, sure, I'll have my money back soon. In fact, someone owes me over 100 dollars, and they should have it soon. Still, that doesn't change the fact that I have NO MONEY right now.

    Just yesterday I had to raid the couches for gas money so that I could get to work!

    And it get's worse... I think Tim is getting sick. He's been congested, achy, and just feeling all around gross. Of course, I know several techniques in alternative healing that could help him, but he refuses to let me use them. He either thinks they're weird or he just plain doesn't want to do what I tell him,  But that doesn't do either of us any good.

   Urgh! Why is he so bull headed?

Anyways, I promised to post something about our ornaments, so here goes:

So basically, this is what you're gonna need:

  • Dry Pine Cones
  • Small Squirt Bottle
  • Liquid Glue
  • Ribbon scissors
  • Glitter
  • Newspaper (To avoid a mess)
   First, fill half of the squirt bottle with water and pour at LEAST half the container of glue into the water. Shake until the glue and water become a solution. Make sure there is enough glue to make the solution sticky.

   Second, spray the pine cone with the solution. Spray generously, so that when you apply the glitter, it will stay.

   Glitter away.

   LIGHTY spray the cone once more ( to settle the glitter) and leave it to dry. Then, when it gets through drying, wrap a ribbon around the base of the cone (the biggest end) and tie it off, making a loop.



  1. OMG I love the sparkly pinecones! I think i will make some this weekend... BUT I dont have a tree, so maybe I'll put them in a glass bowl or something :)

    I'm so glad that you're blogging again :)

  2. lol thanks, I'm glad I'm back too :3

  3. Watch out Martha Stewart ! lol. Maybe you can think of a way to make money off of your custom (hand-made) ornaments!
